Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

Listening to: nothing

I'm still in thesis hell, so apologies to anyone who's contacted me and not got a response. I appreciate all your good wishes and I promise I'll reply when I'm done.

As an apology, please accept this video from my future husband Plan B -

Merry Christmas everybody! Stay warm and stay safe, people.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yet another filler post

Listening to: Radio 1

In the spirit of just posting random youtube videos until I submit my thesis, I randomly remembered this video today, and was surprised to find that I haven't shared it on here before.

Behold the king of cover versions that is Brett Domino.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

It's December

Listening to: Radio 1

...which means it's officially OK to share the best Christmas song ever made.

Back when she was normal and awesome. Oh god how I loved her.

Chris Moyles played it on Radio 1 and I danced around my room like a right loony...15 minutes later, I'm still short of breath. And that's how it's done, boys and girls.